People love AmOzon! Find out why a Dubai couple invested in an AmOzon home.

An Indian couple who is settled in Doha, Qatar recently bought a home at Samraat AmOzon without even setting foot in Nashik. Here’s why! A recent addition to the Samraat family is Ranjit Nair, IT consultant, and Rashmi Nair, a teacher. We talked to them about what influenced their decision to choose Nashik and choose AmOzon. 1. A close friend of theirs recently bought a home at AmOzon and couldn’t stop raving about the concept. That piqued their interest and they HAD to check it out for themselves. They read about the Forest concept and the amenities like Skywalk, infinity pool, and full-sized cricket pitch. This was something new and exciting for them. 2. Next step was to check out Samraat Group and what their past projects have been. As an avid real estate investors, they were happy to see Samraat’s strong footprint in Nashik with many happy success stories to back it up. 3. After being comfortable with their choice of project and the group, AmOzon and Samraat. They approached t...